
The How To’s of Mastering Email Marketing for your Photography Business

Photographers offer a crucial service of memorializing any joyous occasion. The combination of joy from having your most precious moments captured and the fear of picking the wrong person to do the job means that people are often painstakingly picky when it comes to choosing the photographer that they’re going to trust with their big day.

That said, photographers are – and are going to continue to be – an indispensable element in any celebratory day. And the industry has picked up on this trend, which is why you’ll see photography businesses popping up left, right, and center these days. But how are you going to stand out from the crowd?


While stellar photography skills and perfected professionalism are non-negotiables, that won’t quite cut it – instead, you’re going to have to turn to the world of marketing for a helping hand. And with a plethora of mediums and methods to choose from, as a photography business, it’s safe to place your bet on email marketing!

Here’s how to promote your photography business with email marketing:

1. Focus on your Subject Line

The first plan of action is to get users to actually notice and open your email – and you might be thinking, “Well, who wouldn’t open an email in their inbox?”

Whereas in reality, most emails go unopened and make their way toward the trash folder just as they came – after all, no one has time to go through a dozen marketing emails on top of personal and business connections.

Photo Camera

The best way to make sure that your email is opened is to work on your subject line. The subject line is the first thing that users will see, and a catchy one will draw them right in! Some tried and tested tricks are to add a date as a deadline, address your recipient by their name, ask a question, and above all, keep it short.

Of course, whatever your subject line, it’ll be customized according to your branding and the purpose of the email – just be sure to entice! That should help keep your email out of the trash and into the ‘marked as important; category.

2. Send Out an Email Ad

Adverts aren’t just restricted to social media or websites – you can also put them out through email campaigns, helping get targeted and direct viewership for your photography business.

For the purpose of an email, the best type of adverts are ones that deal in visuals along with a few lines of accompanying text. Introduce your services, publicize any deals or discounts that you’re offering, and even show off your team members to build a sense of connectivity through the adverts you send out – after all, customers love knowing that there are real people behind the business that they’re interacting with.

Email Sign

Of course, make sure that your visuals mirror your photography business’ aesthetic and try to add in a couple of your own images so potential customers can get an idea.

And if you’re worried about nailing the design, then you can use photography ads templates available on design tool sites such as PosterMyWall. Not only will you save time, but the creative flair will also be at another level!

3. Add in External Links

The email that you send out to a potential customer is only a stepping stone – the real destination is either your website, Facebook, or Instagram page – platforms where customers can reach out to your staff and start their photography journey with you.

Photo Editing

The best way to steer traffic from your emails to your contact platforms is by adding external links. Either hyperlink words within your visuals or add redirect links to the CTA that you add in your email – the end goal is the same: to make sure that your email recipient doesn’t close their inbox and forget all about you, instead, they should reach out and explore further.

Of course, when hyperlinking it’s important to make sure you have the technicalities sorted – there’s nothing worse than a potential customer being redirected to a page that doesn’t exist or doesn’t belong to your business.

4. Use an Email Marketing Tool

It can be difficult to give your email marketing campaigns the attention that they deserve. In between managing all the other aspects of your photography business, it’s often the areas that don’t immediately call out that are neglected – and emails are top on that list.

Photo Girl

To make life easier and your emails more effective, automate the process with PosterMyWall’s email marketing platform. With everything from email templates to the ability to add interactive CTAs to automatically device-optimize emails, PosterMyWall really does serve as the complete email marketing platform all under one roof.

In fact, the tool even lets you get feedback on your email campaigns by providing detailed performance analytics including open and click rates, making it easier for you to incorporate changes and increase your ROI.

And the best part is that you can avail all of these PosterMyWall services absolutely free. Now you’ll be able to focus on other aspects of your photography business without sacrificing on your marketing – it’s a win-win!

So, if you’re looking to expand and promote your photography business then email marketing is a guaranteed means to success. Just follow these tips, add your own creative sense, and keep a dedicated attitude, and the customers will soon follow – more than you expected!

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