How to Dial An Extension on iPhone, and Save Extensions to Contacts
Do you call a specific contact frequently, similar to your life partner or parent, and need to add an augmentation each time? They may work in an office or establishment where they don’t have an immediate line and you need that augmentation to contact them.
In the event that needs to call an organization and you have the expansion for the individual you’re attempting to reach, utilize this article to naturally dial the augmentation on your iPhone, without expecting to hear any robotized prompts.
How To Dial An Extension On iPhone
- Open the Phone application.
- Dial the super number you’re calling.
- Then, at that point hold down the * (bullet) until a comma shows up.
- Presently enter the augmentation number after the comma.
- Tap the green Call button and you’ll dial directly to the individual you’re attempting to reach.
At the point when you do this, ensure you hold down the * adequately long to transform it into a comma. The comma goes about as a delay and tells your telephone it’s dialing an expansion.
How To Save Extensions In Your iPhone Contacts
On the off chance that you plan to consistently call an augmentation, you can save it in your Contacts. That way, the following time you go to dial the augmentation, it will as of now be saved as it should be dialed. Here are the means by which to save a number with the expansion to your Contacts on iPhone:
- Open your Phone application and select Contacts or open your Contacts application on iPhone.
- Discover the contact number that you need to add an augmentation to and tap on it.
- Tap Edit in the upper right corner.
- Tap the number you’re adding the augmentation to, or tap the, in addition, to sign close to adding a phone number to add another phone number to the contact.
- You’ll see the console at the lower part of your screen is all numbers with an uncommon characters tab in the lower-left corner, tap the exceptional characters.
- With the cursor toward the finish of the telephone number, tap Pause to embed a comma.
- Presently enter the expansion.
- Tap Done to save.