120+ Guest Posting Sites To Build Backlinks & Traffic
Do you use guest posting in your marketing strategy?
Guest posting is one of the most effective strategies to improve SEO and position your brand in front of your target audience.
But unimportant if you use this strategy or not, you probably have some questions or scout for ways to improve your guest posting tactics.
This is where we come in!
This blog will cover everything you need to know about the sites for guest posting and link building using this strategy:
- The benefits of guest blogging
- Best guest posting sites
- How to write the successful blog post
- Tools you can use to make your writing bold and effective
- Answer FAQ questions regarding guest posting
So, let’s start.
The Benefits of Guest Blogging
Here are some reasons guest blogging is handy.
Guest Blogging Improves SEO
It helps you build your domain authority and improve your SEO ranking. When you guest post high-quality and informative content, you will position yourself as an expert in the niche.
This will attract the audience to your website who will share your content. Additionally, you will get more backlinks, signaling to Google algorithm you are a relevant and handy source of information.
High-quality Traffic
Guest posting on established websites can bring high-quality traffic to your page. By adding links to the guest blog post, you can attract readers to your posts.
You must post on websites with authority since Google gives an advantage to such sites on SERP. Additionally, choosing the right website means getting your content right in front of your target audience.
Build Brand Awareness
The more you post online, the more you build authority among your target group. By guest posting, you increase the reach of your content and brand awareness.
Also, guest posting is a terrific way to get in front of people who haven’t heard of you prior.
Link Building
One of the most crucial factors that determine the ranking in search results is the quality of links that lead back to your website.
This is where guest blogging can be extremely beneficial. This is one of the ways you can obtain high-quality links naturally and get a high-quality reference.
Shorten The Sales Cycle
By guest posting on other websites, you immediately build brand awareness among your target audience. This shortens the sales cycle because you are getting yourself in front of an audience that is more likely to convert to customers.
Best guest posting sites for backlinks and traffic
Many sites allow bloggers and content creators to guest post their content.
Here are some of the best sites for guest posting:
- UnderConstructionPage: https://underconstructionpage.com/blog
- NavThemes: http://navthemes.com/
- WP Newsify: https://wpnewsify.com/
- 85 Ideas: http://85ideas.com/
- WebFactory blog: https://www.webfactoryltd.com/blog
- Theme Circle: https://www.themecircle.net/
- WP Sauce: http://wpsauce.com/
- Google Maps Widget: https://www.gmapswidget.com/blog
- ComingSoon: https://comingsoonwp.com/blog/
- TidyRepo: https://tidyrepo.com
- MyWPTips – http://mywptips.com/
- ResizeMyImg – https://resizemyimg.com/blog
- WP Pluginsify – https://wppluginsify.com
- Enstine Muki – https://enstinemuki.com/blog/
- WP Author Box – https://wpauthorbox.com/
- BlogWolf – http://blogwolf.com/
- WP 301 Redirect – https://wp301redirects.com/blog
- The Better Web Movement – http://thebetterwebmovement.com/
- Save the Video – http://savethevideo.net/
- Unit Conversion – http://unitconversion.io/
- ThumbTube – http://thumbtube.com/
- Blogger Walk – https://bloggerwalk.com/
- Techy Eyes – https://techyeyes.com/
- PC Stacks – https://www.pcstacks.com/
- Python Blogs – https://pythonblogs.com/
- TechBillow – https://techbillow.com/
- Reviews Lion – https://reviewslion.com/
- CodeCarbon – https://codecarbon.com/
- Woahtech – https://woahtech.com/
- Website SEO Stats: https://websiteseostats.com
- Techie Event: https://techieevent.com
- YehiWeb: https://yehiweb.com
- WP Radar: https://wpradar.com
- JEM Products: https://jem-products.com
- Deals of Dreams: https://dealsofdreams.com
- Blog Joker: https://blogjoker.com
- Medium Talk: https://www.mediumtalk.net
- Safe Box Guide: https://safeboxguide.com
- WebDevSupply: https://webdevsupply.com
- Pace Official: https://paceofficial.com
- Techy Ice: https://techyice.com
- Techsive: https://techsive.com
- WP Force SSL: https://wpforcessl.com
- WP Sticky: https://wpsticky.com
- Windows Cape: https://windowscape.org
- FeedBeater: https://feedbeater.com
- Windows Cape: https://windowscape.org
- Wowtechub: https://wowtechub.com
- Tips Mafia: https://tipsmafia.org
- Hi-Tech Weirdo: https://hitechweirdo.com
- Esme Patterson: https://esmepatterson.com
- Techy Popat: https://techypopat.com
- Evrmag: https://evrmag.com
- Betmok: https://www.betmok.com
- WP Maintenance: https://wpmaintenancemode.com
- WP Links: https://getwplinks.com/
- Clooudi: https://clooudi.com/
- DrakeWire: https://drakewire.com/
- Emojifaces: https://emojifaces.org/
- Fixingbee: https://fixingbee.com/
- TechStormy: http://techstormy.com/
- TechStromy: http://techstromy.com/
- BoostUpBlogging: https://boostupblogging.com/
- GadgetFarms: https://www.gadgetsfarms.com/
- Future Tech Trends: https://futuretechtrends.co.uk/
How to Write A Successful Guest Post that Drives Traffic?
Choose the right topic
Before you start writing your blog post, you should familiarize yourself with the site you’re writing for to get a clear understanding of what is popular on the blog.
Think about how you can add value. This can either be by responding to the existing content on the site, providing additional info on a popular topic, or writing something new on the subject that was already explored or is new.
After that, you should find keywords to use in your blog post. Keyword research tools can help you find the right keywords to use and rank.
Link Smartly
One of the best ways to get your blog post working is by adding high-quality internal and external links.
Links should be relevant to the topic you’re writing about and ensure you’re following the website’s linking guidelines. Within the blog post, it is also a great idea to direct to the blogs of your site, driving the traffic there.
Format Your Blog Post
You probably know no one reads something from the first to the last letter anymore. The average reader first scans the blog post to ensure the reading won’t be a waste of their time.
That is why you have to make the blog post scannable:
- Write short paragraphs. No paragraph should have more than three sentences.
- Use headlines often. This will make your content organized and notice readers to keep reading.
- Use images and graphs
- Bold most important points
- Use lists when possible
Create Unique Content
The best way to create unique content is to write a story based on your experience and original point of view or share your tactics and examples.
The crucial thing is to explain to your readers how to do something instead of why they should do it.
This requires some research to back yourself up with data and external resources to explain to your readers what they should do to implement what they learned.
Essential Tools That Help You Win at Guest Blogging
Guest blogging and link building have never been easier, especially with tools you can use.
Here are some tools you can use to win at guest blogging:
- BuzzSumo, Ubersuggest, or Google Keywords – to find keywords to include in your posts
- Grammarly – to polish your content and make it effective
- Afrefs – to check where your competitors are guest posting
- Lists sites for guest posting (like the one above) – that can help you find a website for your next guest post.
- JustReachOut – PR reach software that will help you pitch journalists
- Clearscope or other AI tools that can help you craft compelling content
- RocketReach – find the contact of 70,000 million professionals worldwide
- Respona – Link building outreach platform for B2B SaaS companies
FAQ on Guest Posting
Here are some of the most frequently asked questions on guest posting, in case you are a beginner.
Does guest posting still work?
Not only is guest posting one of the oldest link building techniques, but it is also one of the most effective. It is a part of inbound marketing strategy, helping brands get in front of the target audience and increase brand awareness.
How do I find guest posting opportunities?
Lists sites for guest posting or sites like Google Search Operators or LinkedIn can help you find guest posting opportunities.
How do I get 1000 blog visitors a day?
Creating great content with long-tail keywords and being consistent are the crucial steps to getting 1000 blog visitors daily.
How do guests post for beginners?
- Research the niche to find authority websites in your niche
- Perform outreach and contact your targeted site
- Research the topic and target audience
- Generate post ideas
- Perform keyword research
- Write the blog post
- Publish your post
- Perform it on social media
How do guest posts make money?
You can direct your traffic to affiliate websites, look for websites that pay you to publish content, start advertising (PPC, PPM), or sell space on your blog to earn money from guest posting.
Wrapping up
Guest posting is one of the best ways to increase brand awareness, do high-quality link building, and improve your SEO.
This post listed the best sites for guest posting and offered tips to make your guest posting strategy effective.
Follow them, and you will see great success from guest posting.